What is DevOps

DevOps is a culture or a process to improve the application delivery from development to any other environment by ensuring there is Automation, Code Quality, Continuous Monitoring, and Continuous Testing.

The Final goal of a DevOps process is to avoid any manual steps and bring in Automation in the Code deployment.

Why DevOps

A developer has developed an Application, the end goal of a developer or an organization Is to deliver the code or application to the customer environment.

Before DevOps

Once a Developer has check-in the application code in the central repository, there will be a system admin who has created an application server where this code must be deployed, since there was no DevOps engineer in place so in the old days BRE (Build and Release Engineer) plays a role of code deployment into the server. then finally comes the Testor who is responsible for testing the code.

So on a high level, we have 3 different roles to deploy an application into the Server.

  • System Administrator
  • Build and Release Engineer
  • Testor

Executing the above steps involving different roles is a time-consuming task and it delays the code delivery to roll out to production because the step is manual, hence the need for DevOps came into existence.

After DevOps

DevOps removes the manual steps to deploy the code into the next environment by adding automation and creating a pipe-line of various tools which helps to deliver code in much better quality and in less time.

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